Fina Birulés, awarded with a Saint George's Cross

Fina Birulés, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, has been honored with the Saint Georgeʼs Cross, for her intense task in translation, study and dissemination of the female philosophical production and in particular, her work on Hannah Arendtʼs work.
A total of twenty-nine personalities and twenty-four entities that have been distinguished for their services to Catalonia defending its identity, or in other terms, a civic and cultural plan, will receive the Saint Georgeʼs Cross this year, one of the most distinguished awards given by the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1981.

Fina Birulés, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, has been honored with the Saint Georgeʼs Cross, for her intense task in translation, study and dissemination of the female philosophical production and in particular, her work on Hannah Arendtʼs work.
A total of twenty-nine personalities and twenty-four entities that have been distinguished for their services to Catalonia defending its identity, or in other terms, a civic and cultural plan, will receive the Saint Georgeʼs Cross this year, one of the most distinguished awards given by the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1981.
Birulés teaches Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophy of History at the University of Barcelona, and has been visiting lecturer at the universities of Puerto Rico, Chile, Parma, Florence and Vienna. She is member of several committees in specialized journals such as La Società degli individui or Crítica Contemporània. Revista de Teoria Política.
Her research task has tied around two focuses: political subjectivity, history and action, and questions of feminist theory and the study of the female philosophical production -with special focus on the work by Hannah Arendt and other women philosophers from the 20th century- an activity carried out within the Seminar on Philosophy and Gender (since its creation in 1990).
She is translator of several works of contemporary philosophy, author of numerous essays and editor of collection volumes on Hannah Arendtʼs thoughts as well as on other female contemporary philosophersʼ.
Among her most recent publications are Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (2007), Contingencia, historia y narración en Hannah Arendt (2009), Imoratalidade e História em Hannah Arendt (2009), La distancia como figura de la comunidad (2011) and Usos del anacronismo (2012).
Information on all the awards can be read here.