Els Vespres dʼHivern gather more than 1.600 people this year

Once more, the attendance in Els Vespres of the University of Barcelona is higher than its expectations. The winter edition of this year brought more than one thousand six hundred people. “Els Vespres are already a must in the cultural offer of Barcelona and they are a non-debatable proposal of the University of Barcelona for culture in general and specially for new musical talents”, says Lourdes Sesma, in charge of the cycle and head of the Corporate Image and Publicity Unit of the UB. “Moreover, it allows us opening the doors of the institution to society so that the people in Barcelona get to know the University, walk around the Historical Building and its gardens and visit such a majestic and emblematic space as the Paranimph”.

Once more, the attendance in Els Vespres of the University of Barcelona is higher than its expectations. The winter edition of this year brought more than one thousand six hundred people. “Els Vespres are already a must in the cultural offer of Barcelona and they are a non-debatable proposal of the University of Barcelona for culture in general and specially for new musical talents”, says Lourdes Sesma, in charge of the cycle and head of the Corporate Image and Publicity Unit of the UB. “Moreover, it allows us opening the doors of the institution to society so that the people in Barcelona get to know the University, walk around the Historical Building and its gardens and visit such a majestic and emblematic space as the Paranimph”.
A special springboard for emerging artists
It is a fact that Els Vespres are like a springboard for lots of emerging artists. Mireia Madroñero, in charge of the art direction, says that “the cycle promotes artists that, despite having a short experience, defend an exceptional project and growing talent that engages the spectator”.
Marina Herlop said that “this is the first time I see my name on a poster while walking around. I think Els Vespres will be a good idea to put my name on the spot”.
In addition and as usual, tickets were depleted in a very short time. The singer and songwriter Pavvla said that “when I knew tickets were depleted in less than 12 hours this became automatically “the concert”. I knew it would be fantastic”.
Joana Gomila, who knew about Els Vespres because she had attended as audience some of the summer editions, said before debuting: “I hope to reach the expectations because this is a very consolidated cycle and for me itʼs a gift to be able to play here. I hope such an amazing event continues over the years”.
The Paranimph, a scenario to fall in love with
Apart from the artistic and musical quality of the scheduled concerts and the features of all the artists in its poster, the fact that the winter edition took place in the Paranimph of the Historical Building was attractive for both the audience and the musicians.
“The concert changes a lot depending on the place you play, and although music is the same, playing at the Paranimph is purely magical” said Pavvla minutes before the concert.
“Last week I came for the first time, to test the piano out, and I was very impressed, I hadnʼt been here before and never played in such a place. This has been the most solemn concert I had so far. The splendor of this place together with all the people that came to see me made me feel I had a big responsibility: a “you canʼt forget anything today”. I felt very lucky to play here, and I thought about it the previous days, I was aware of it while playing and I still think about it”, told us Marina Herlop.
Roger Puig described his experience saying that “I think I will not play again in such a place with these high ceilings. It was like playing under a wooden cliff. Vibrant!”.
Joana Gomila had never been in the Paranimph before and said “the place where you play is another instrument, indeed. The Paranimph is spectacular but at the same time it is also welcoming. These walls can talk and together with our music it will be magical”, she said.
An audience willing to discover the latest trends in music
As usual, the audience of Els Vespres is characterized for the heterogeneity of age range and different styles, but these people share the desire to discover the latest trends in music.
Lourdes Sesma is proud of the audience approval of this event: “which proves Barcelona is a culturally and musically lively city and that the University of Barcelona is an important platform for the promotion of culture”.
Mireia Madroñero highlights that the “welcoming of the cycle has been outstanding: we had the Paranimph filled up every day -even for the last concert, which was a rainy day in Barcelona- and the reaction was always attentive, respectful and warm”. “This audience” she says “trusts the criteria of the program, open and curious, willing to discover and enjoy interesting and diverse musical proposals”.
Roger Puig said that he is used to meet the people that attend his concerts. “in this case, I donʼt know who will come or what their reaction will be towards our songs and, most of them will not know me, probably” he said.
Pavvla described her experience saying that “we were playing for five hundred people, with tickets depleted in no time; this was a concert I was excited to play. I was very nervous before beginning but it was magical, one of those concerts we will never forget”.