Electoral debate on November 22 in the Paranimph of the Historical Building

The seven candidates running for the elections of Rectorʼs office at the University of Barcelona, Norbert Bilbeny, Joan Elias, Rafael Franco, Joan Guàrdia, Eduardo Mariño, Màrius Rubiralta and David Vallespín, will have an open debate on November 22, at 11h, in the Paranimph of the Historical Building (Gran Via, 585). The event will be broadcasted in UBtv and Facebook. The debate will be chaired by Susanna Quadrado, head editor of the section “Tendències” in La Vanguardia.

The seven candidates running for the elections of Rectorʼs office at the University of Barcelona, Norbert Bilbeny, Joan Elias, Rafael Franco, Joan Guàrdia, Eduardo Mariño, Màrius Rubiralta and David Vallespín, will have an open debate on November 22, at 11h, in the Paranimph of the Historical Building (Gran Via, 585). The event will be broadcasted in UBtv and Facebook. The debate will be chaired by Susanna Quadrado, head editor of the section “Tendències” in La Vanguardia.
During two hours, and following a participation order -agreed by draw, the candidates will defend their governing projects and give their own views on the current and future situation of the UB. Afterwards, there will be a round of questions for the attendants. The ones following the debate online will be able to ask questions using the hashtag #DebatUB16, from 11h onwards. The electoral campaign can be followed on Twitter, with the hashtag #EleccionsUB16.
Debate with students, the previous day
The Student Board of the University of Barcelona organized an event with the candidates for the Rectorʼs office. This will take place on Monday, November 21, at 12h, in the room 105 of the Faculty of Chemistry.
The electoral campaign will end on November 28. It will be the fourth time, according to current legislation, that the university community will choose the new rector by direct, secret and universal ballot. Among teaching staff, students and administration and service staff the amount of people with right to vote are 62.998. If any of the candidates gets absolute majority there will be a second round of election on December 1, and the new rector will be the candidate with more simple votes.
Further information is available on the website Eleccions al Rectorat