Does only one bioethics make sense?

On November 24 and 25, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona will hold the 7th International Conference on Bioethics, organized by the Research Group APORIA: Contemporary Philosophy, Ethics and Politics, with the collaboration of Institut Docent de Sant Pere Claver. Entitled “Una sola bioètica” (Only one bioethics?), the conferences will analyze -from an interdisciplinary view- ethical and moral dilemmas that can come up in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

On November 24 and 25, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona will hold the 7th International Conference on Bioethics, organized by the Research Group APORIA: Contemporary Philosophy, Ethics and Politics, with the collaboration of Institut Docent de Sant Pere Claver. Entitled “Una sola bioètica” (Only one bioethics?), the conferences will analyze -from an interdisciplinary view- ethical and moral dilemmas that can come up in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
There will be the participation of experts from diverse disciplines such as philosophy, psychology or psychiatry, who will reflect on whether it makes sense or not talking about an only bioethics. For example, Germán Berrios, professor of the University of Cambridge, will open the conference with the speech “La ética del diagnostic en salud mental”; the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Vassilis Kapsambelis will give the conference “Aspects éthiques de lʼopposition être psychique-citoyen dans les traitments psychiatriques”, and the philosophers Josep Maria Esquirol and Salvi Turró will give the speeches “Edipo, sin complejos” and “Descartes, una moral de la generosidad”.
Also, Professor Begoña Román from the Faculty of Philosophy, and Lluís Mauri, Psychiatrist and Director of the Institut Docent Sant Pere Claver, will present the conclusions of the seminar on ethics of the diagnose on mental health.
The complete program of the conference can be read here.