UB Governing Council: Wednesday 8 May

A new meeting of the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona will take place on Wednesday 8 May. The session can be followed live online.

A new meeting of the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona will take place on Wednesday 8 May. The session can be followed live online.
The Governing Council is summoned this Wednesday at 8.30 am on first call and, if there is no quorum, at 9.00 am. Among other points, it will approve the call for applications for tenured and adjunct lecturer positions; the regulations for the hiring of pre-doctoral research staff in training funded by research projects or contracts; and the creation of the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERC). Members will also be informed about the UB’s Action Plan for the reform of the evaluation of research activity.
The Governing Council is the University’s collegiate governing body. It establishes the UB’s strategic and programmatic lines, as well as the guidelines and procedures for applying them to the organization of teaching, research, human and financial resources, and the preparation of budgets. It is formed by the rector, who chairs it; the secretary general; the general manager; fifteen members appointed by the rector and twenty members elected by the University Senate from among its members; ten members elected by the deans; the directors of the university schools; five members elected by the department directors and the directors of the university research institutes; and three members of the Board of Trustees who are not members of the university community.
The Governing Council is the University’s collegiate governing body. It establishes the UB’s strategic and programmatic lines, as well as the guidelines and procedures for applying them to the organization of teaching, research, human and financial resources, and the preparation of budgets. It is formed by the rector, who chairs it; the secretary general; the general manager; fifteen members appointed by the rector and twenty members elected by the University Senate from among its members; ten members elected by the deans; the directors of the university schools; five members elected by the department directors and the directors of the university research institutes; and three members of the Board of Trustees who are not members of the university community.