Extraordinary Senate: Wednesday 8 May

Historic Building of the University of Barcelona.
Historic Building of the University of Barcelona.
News | Institutional
An extraordinary session of the Senate of the University of Barcelona will take place on Wednesday 8 May. The meeting can be followed live online. The session will take place at 2.30 p.m. on first call, and at 3.00 p.m. on second call.
Historic Building of the University of Barcelona.
Historic Building of the University of Barcelona.
News | Institutional
An extraordinary session of the Senate of the University of Barcelona will take place on Wednesday 8 May. The meeting can be followed live online. The session will take place at 2.30 p.m. on first call, and at 3.00 p.m. on second call.
The two items on the agenda are as follows:
  • Analysis and debate of the motion supporting Palestine  
  • Approval, if necessary, of raising the motion supporting Palestine in the government team and in the Governing Council.
​​​​​The University Senate is the highest representative body of the university community. It is responsible for drawing up, modifying and, where appropriate, deploying the Statute; controlling the management of the University’s offices and governing bodies; approving the general lines of action of the University and, in extraordinary circumstances, calling the Rector’s Office elections.