Collaboration between the Alt Penedès and Garraf Health Consortium and the UB

The University of Barcelona and the Alt Penedès and Garraf Health Consortium (CSAPG) have presented an agreement that accredits the Consortium as a health institution associated with the UB.

The University of Barcelona and the Alt Penedès and Garraf Health Consortium (CSAPG) have presented an agreement that accredits the Consortium as a health institution associated with the UB.
Among the attendees in the signing ceremony, which took place in the Historic Building, were Irene Abad, manager of the Penedès Health Region; Joan Guàrdia, rector of the UB; Jordi Cuyàs, president of CSAPG; Josep Lluís Ibáñez, manager of CSAPG; Olga Farré, director of healthcare operations at CSAPG; Joan Miquel Carbonell, director of teaching, research and innovation at CSAPG; and Antoni Yuste, head of teaching and head of studies at CSAPG.
Within the framework of this collaboration, students of Medicine, Nursing, Hospital Pharmacy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Psychology and Social Work will carry out teaching activities at the CSAPG. The agreement, therefore, demonstrates not only the will to collaborate in the teaching field, but also the transversal and broad vision of training in health sciences. In addition, it implies that the Consortium centers will be included as institutions available for the mandatory rotation of the 12 ETCS credits of the Supervised Clinical Hospital Internships for students in the sixth year of Medicine.