A photography exhibition analyses Europeʼs response to the refugee crisis

Right to adequate housing. Photo: Xavi Herrero
Right to adequate housing. Photo: Xavi Herrero

How does Europe react to the refugee crisis? Which decisions have been taken by the European institutions and which situations are reported by the entities working with the refugees and migrant people? These questions are the starting point for the exhibition “Mare Nostrum: Europa davant la crisi del refugi”, which can be visited these days at the hall of the Faculty of Law (av. Diagonal, 684). The exhibition collects sixteen photographs by the photojournalists Xavi Herrero and Raül Clemente, taken between October 2015 and February 2017 in the Greek island of Lesbos and in Idomeni, in the frontier between Greece and Macedonia. In these images, the authors analyze the causes and consequences of violence -regarding the violation of human rights- concerning the movement of the refugees and migrants who cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe.

Right to adequate housing. Photo: Xavi Herrero
Right to adequate housing. Photo: Xavi Herrero

How does Europe react to the refugee crisis? Which decisions have been taken by the European institutions and which situations are reported by the entities working with the refugees and migrant people? These questions are the starting point for the exhibition “Mare Nostrum: Europa davant la crisi del refugi”, which can be visited these days at the hall of the Faculty of Law (av. Diagonal, 684). The exhibition collects sixteen photographs by the photojournalists Xavi Herrero and Raül Clemente, taken between October 2015 and February 2017 in the Greek island of Lesbos and in Idomeni, in the frontier between Greece and Macedonia. In these images, the authors analyze the causes and consequences of violence -regarding the violation of human rights- concerning the movement of the refugees and migrants who cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe.

Right to food, housing, health and education but also freedom of movement, international protection and shelter are some of the human rights analyzed with these photographs and texts in the exhibition, which touch on directives and reports of the European Commission, Council and Parliament with observations and studies conducted by support entities for the refugees and migrants. The exhibition, which can be visited until April 12, is organized by the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona and the Town Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, with the support of the Catalan Fund for Cooperation and Development. Entrance is free and visiting hours are from 8.30 to 21.30 h.

“Mare Nostrum: Europa davant la crisi del refugi” was opened on March 31 in the Faculty of Law. On April 28, in the evening, there will be a second opening for the exhibition in the plaça de la Vila in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, and the following day the exhibition will be set in different Catalan towns.

Closing the project Mare Nostrum

With this exhibition, the UB Solidarity Foundation and the Town Council of Sant Feliu close the project “Mare Nostrum. Solidaritat local, diàleg i construcció plural de la pau des de lʼexili”, which has tried to add the multidimensional vision of the refugees in local entities as elements that legitimize peace rights. Mare Nostrum is also part of the support program of the University of Barcelona for refugees and people coming from conflict areas, which enabled the reception of fifteen Syrian and Afghan students in schools of the UB.

Solidarity dedicated to the monitoring of armed conflicts and human rights), and the creation of a guideline of good practices on the role of the local world in the building processes of peace and post-conflict reconstruction. Both the guide of good practices and the analysis updating by the Observatori Solidaritat on the conflict of Syria are presented in the two opening events for the exhibition.