UB current events

Highlights All the news


Leading research experts in Europe

International Day of Women and Girls in Science.


New evidence on the association between endometriosis and traumatic and stressful experiences

The results could be used to improve early detection of the disease, which affects 190 million women worldwide.


A book committed to the ecosocial crisis: a holistic analysis for a sustainable future

Published by University of Barcelona Editions, the collective work ‘Cambio global. Crisis ecosocial y perspectivas futuras’ presents, with pedagogical sensitivity, an updated synthesis of the changes in the natural system and the actions needed to reverse the ecosocial crisis.


The UB Institute for Professional Development receives the EFQM label for its commitment to excellence

This recognition highlights the IDP’s dedication to teacher training and development, as well as to educational innovation and research.

Agenda All the activities


Col·loqui: «Els Contrabandistes de Llibres de Darayya»

Aula Joan Maragall de la Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
from February 11
to February 12

Taller: «Demo: ZEISS Lattice SIM 5»

Laboratori de Biologia-Bellvitge CCiTUB (Pavelló de Govern, 3ª planta, 3300/3301)

Els Vespres dʼHivern: Lucia Fumero

Historic Building's Paranymph

Leading research experts in Europe

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, three female experts explain their research studies and the importance of the European dimension in the work they do daily. They are leaders in their respective fields of research: Carla Marín, in particle physics; Ana Moragues, in the analysis of food as a major social fact, and Marta Sánchez, in the study of prehistoric mobility in the Pyrenees through the analysis of flint.

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The University, in podcast All the podcast

La periodista Noemí Polls i la filòsofa de la UB Montserrat Crespín

Indonesian is a standardized variety of Malay, the traditional common language of a highly multilingual region. After independence, the new state adopted it as its sole official language. Some languages spoken in this huge archipelago have local recognition, but the whole language policy is aimed at imposing Indonesian. Maria Bardagí, linguist and researcher of the Totoli language, one of the more than 100 languages spoken on the island of Sulawesi, talks about Indonesian.

Ten successful years of Els Vespres d'Hivern

Ten years ago, Rosalia entered the Paranymph Hall to give the first concert of the first edition of Els Vespres d’Hivern at the University of Barcelona. To review the best of these years, we invited Lourdes Sesma, head of Corporate Image and Marketing at the UB and mother of the child. In addition, Lucia Fumero and Marc Vilajuana, who are performing in this edition, give us a taste of what their concert will be like.

‘Cardemcat’: philias and paraphilias

Do you know the difference between philia, paraphilia and fetish? We talk to sexologist Irene Soriano in the third episode of the podcast, “Cardem amb fílies i parafílies”. Also, we will read about some philias that our followers have sent us, we will comment on their etymology, and we will solve one of the doubts that most people have asked us about the scents of the gardens of the Faculty of Philology and Communication...

Talking about food risks with Cristina Larrea

Cristina Larrea, professor of Social Anthropology, analyses the risks that derive from food: from its production to its consumption. We will look at the economic and political conditioning factors that persist and encourage the use of intoxicating chemicals in food production and how they affect the human body.

Institutional profiles